Transition to remote work: IT admin resources
There is an unprecedented increase in remote work happening around the world due to circumstances resulting from COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease). If you're implementing new remote working practices or are expecting an increase in demand, we’re here to help.
Rapid deployment and adoption of remote work
Here are resources to help you rapidly deploy remote work at your company. The
remote work
communication pack has emails you can send to your users, a deck to help you prepare your
support team, and other assets.
Download your remote work communication pack
Take our free online class: Webex rapid onboarding
Access other adoption guides and toolkits on our Help Center

Get your network ready for remote work
As more users transition to remote work, they will use Webex Meetings and Webex
Teams to make video calls and share content. Make sure you consider the changes in your users’
traffic as you plan to allow remote access to your company’s network.
Read our Help Center article how do I allow Webex Meetings traffic on my
Read our Help Center article what are the minimum bandwidth requirements for
sending and receiving video in Cisco Webex Meetings?
If you want to limit or manage VPN traffic during this time, you could consider
these optimizations:
- While video is a valuable part of remote collaboration, limiting video use to only presenters or key users is a way you can lower the network bandwidth used by the client.
- Encourage users to disconnect from their VPN to join meetings if traffic over VPN is a concern, especially for large events.
- Administrators may wish to configure their desktop VPN client to direct Webex traffic to the internet rather than across the VPN tunnel.
- Administrators who wish to direct Webex traffic through their VPN tunnels should plan for the user bandwidth and ensure all appropriate ports and protocols are opened.

Learn more about configuring your network to scale:
Read our white paper: Bandwidth planning in your Cisco Webex Meetings Environment Read the full help article, deployment guide for Cisco Webex Video Mesh Read our Help Center article how do I allow Webex Meetings traffic on my network? Read our Help Center article network requirements for Webex Teams servicesAdministration and configuration of Webex Meetings
First, configuration:
Configure Control Hub organization for a consistent user experience, fewer technical issues, and streamlined service management.
Add and verify your domains Auto-assign user templates Convert users Add users manually Add users by CVS Add users by directory synchronization Claim your domains
Then, add users:
You can add new users to your Webex Meetings site in Control Hub. Control Hub is the best way to administer your site, so we recommend starting there.
Get started with our ebook Cisco Webex Control Hub Essentials Or, you can manage user accounts in Cisco Webex Site Administration
Next, deployment:
If you need to deploy the Webex Meetings desktop app, we have a guide to help you understand the tasks involved.
Read our Help Center article IT administrator guide for mass deployment of the Cisco Webex Meetings desktop app For Webex Sites on 39.10 and later, try the updated mass deployment guide for webex sites on 39.1 and later What are the recommended best practices for using VoIP?
After that, you’re ready to:
Use our Help Center article for single sign-on integration in Cisco Webex Control Hub Learn how to simplify scheduling with Webex Hybrid Calendar Service Use our Help Center article get started with Cisco Webex Hybrid Services Reference our cloud collaboration security white paper Check out our security FAQ for Teams Learn more with our privacy datasheet for Webex Meetings sand our privacy datasheet for TeamsWebex cloud-registered device management
You can also set up users with Webex Devices in their remote offices. Cloud register
those devices to allow them to operate from a user’s home internet connection while being
remotely managed by you in Webex Control Hub.
Use our Help Center article onboarding for devices

Diagnostics and troubleshooting
You can use Control Hub to troubleshoot your local system and network performance.
Use our Help Center article advanced diagnostics and troubleshooting in Control
Check the global service status page